Innovating the future of food

Food tech trade mission to Germany, Heidelberg region

30 november t/m 2 december 2022

Mission background

Innovating the future of food

A sustainable food chain is high on the agenda of almost every food producing company in Germany and the Netherlands. Developments in the food industry are accelerating, creating opportunities for cooperation between Dutch and German companies.

The market report 'Market analysis of the German food processing industry' was published recently. The report shows that there are opportunities for Dutch companies offering technologies, products or services to accelerate or make developments within the food technology sector more sustainable. It also shows a high demand for alternative forms of protein.

The market report also revealed that having German partners is a key to success for capturing the German market. These partnerships take different forms: It can be directly through Business-to-Business (B2B), universities, a large company in the agri-food sector, or through one of the technology clusters. Germany has well-developed stakeholder networks for research, development, innovation, production and distribution.

During this trade mission, which has a focus on the foodcluster in the Heidelberg region, we want to make these opportunities concrete and introduce Dutch entrepreneurs to potential partners and customers.

psps business abroad is organising this trade mission on behalf of the Rijksdienst van Ondernemend Nederland, in cooperation with the local posts in Germany and OostNL.

Target audience

For who?

This trade mission is of interest to Dutch entrepreneurs operating in the food tech and related sectors. The mission is specifically aimed at Dutch organisations that:


Why participate?

Participation in this mission offers the opportunity to:


Costs & registration

Participation costs €500 excluding VAT per organisation, Travel and accommodation costs are at your own expense. The organisation is not liable for any cancellation costs. The spoken language during this mission is mainly German. The application deadline is Friday 28 October 2022. You can apply directly via this link.


Or curious about the preliminary program? Enter your contact information below and we will contact you soon to tell you more about the mission.  Your contact details are for a one-time use only. 

Contact us

Want to know more?

Jeroen van Baren

Project Manager


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