Let's combat drought together!
Climate- and Water-Smart Agriculture Trade Mission to Tunisia 2024
June 2024 | Week 26
Opportunities for Dutch companies active in climate- and water-smart agricultural solutions.
For years, Tunisia has been facing water shortages. With rainy seasons becoming less predictable and drought durations becoming longer, climate change only exacerbates the problem further. Due to such factors, Tunisia presents tangible opportunities for Dutch entrepreneurs engaged in climate- and water-smart agriculture to assist in addressing the challenge.
Accounting for more than 80% of water usage, agriculture is the main consumer of water in the country. This in turn has created market opportunities in Tunisian sectors of inclusive agriculture, water, sustainable energy, and agri-tech & innovation for Dutch companies and organizations. Due to the water scarcity, Tunisian government and businesses are having to rethink and work differently with the aim of becoming more efficient, economical, and sustainable. Dutch innovations and solutions can play a key role here.
Nieuwe marktstudie onthult knelpunten & zakelijke kansen in Tunesië voor Nederlandse bedrijven
Seed2Feed has conducted a market assessment on potential business opportunities and obstructions for Dutch companies in Tunisia. The study can be downloaded here.
In a prior study potential opportunities for Dutch partnerships in water management, climate smart and circular agriculture were identified for the region. The research found ‘clear demand for Dutch expertise with local support’ in catchment interventions. For example, reducing the leakages of dams, basin banks and distribution systems must be a priority and offer opportunities for Dutch expertise in dams and water infrastructure technology but also flood control. In addition, likely demand for Dutch expertise was found in all other areas of opportunities including water-efficient technologies, smart-water capturing, capacity building & skills, innovations, and using non-conventional water resources.

Target audience
For whom?
This mission is interesting for Dutch companies and knowledge institutions that have solutions for climate-smart and future-proof agriculture. Participants in this mission have knowledge, technology, or services related to:
- Climate-resistant seeds
- Irrigation
- Desalination
- Water storage
- Water purification
- Cooling
- Substrates
- Agricultural machinery
- Agroforestry
- Soil management
- Greenhouse construction
- Digitalization
Why participate?
Mission Setup
The mission will take place at the end of June 2024. During the mission, you will engage with local companies and authorities through various business visits, site tours, and enjoy (individual) matchmaking. Although the program is still in development, updates on further developments will be provided to you as the mission develops. You can provide us with your input, to ensure the program suits your needs.
Participation costs €500 per company, excluding VAT, travel, and accommodation expenses. Two persons per company can participate, and each person must register separately.
Or, curious about the preliminary program?
Please fill in your contact details below, and we will contact you shortly. Contact information is for one-time use. This is an initiative of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
Want to know more?
Contact us